Warning: This Post May Radicalize You

You have been lied to your entire life.

Shadowy forces are at work, controlling the narrative of human history.

The narrative you have been taught to believe is fiction. It has been sanitized, cherry picked, and distorted to flatter and placate modern sensibilities and to protect the true identity of the Catholic Church.

You have been told that humanity is getting smarter. Gaining knowledge. Evolving in a positive direction. Better than we have ever been before. Much better off than those primitive people who lived 3000 years ago.
This is an absurd lie, obvious to anyone who understands Biblical history. [Read about how life was under the reign of King Solomon.]

We are not getting smarter.

We have had important knowledge stripped from us as the centuries have passed. We have forgotten the lessons of the past. We have forgotten important truths about the nature of the spirit realm. Our vocabulary was shrunk such that it is a tenth the size of the vocabulary of people living 400 years ago. Have you noticed the dumbing down of the human race? Scientists have recently been scratching their heads about IQ scores and standardized test scores decreasing over time.

We now live in a world where you don’t have to know anything at all. Your phone can know it for you. You don’t even have to know how to get to your grocery store – your phone will direct you. You don’t know anybody’s phone number without your phone supplying it. Your kids don’t have to write their own school essays – AI can do it for them now. You don’t know your history. You don’t know the truth about your religion. You don’t know the truth. All you “know” is the nonsense spewed 24/7 from social media, corporate news, sanitized speeches by our leaders, and whatever you care enough to read about in books and periodicals. If you don’t read [well researched, nonfiction] books, all you know is what the powers that be want you to know.

We live in an age of great deception,

where so much knowledge has been lost, even as we are told we live in an age of information. The information you are being fed is filled with manipulation, lies, and coverups. Eyewitness accounts of paranormal activities are shouted down as hoaxes. You are being fed distraction after distraction, in the form of celebrity gossip, reality tv, Netflix, inane phone apps, and social media feuds. They don’t want you to step outside of these distractions and think for yourself. Because if you do, you will become radicalized, and you might start to see the people behind the curtain, pulling the strings. And they can’t have that.

Let’s start with recent history.

The true history of the last 1700 or so years of human history can be summarized thusly:
The bishop of Rome, who usurped the authority and the titles of emperor Constantine, became the de facto leader of the Roman Empire, which split in half after the death of Constantine. He declared himself pope, Emperor, and sovereign, and established the papacy. The papacy then proceeded to rule the western part of the “fallen”Roman Empire from Rome, through a succession of murderous, fornicating, greedy, power hungry popes, some of whom purchased the office, others were literally the bastard sons of previous popes.

Radical enough for you? It is verifiable fact. [If you dare, read up on the activities of popes throughout history. It reads like a sordid soap opera.]

The Catholic Church turned “Christianity” into a lucrative business, selling forgiveness and even access to heaven itself to all who were desperate or rich enough to pay. As the only ones allowed to own a Bible, they were able to claim absolute control over the gates of heaven themselves. The selling of “indulgences” (literally a permission slip to sin) helped pay for the building of St Peter’s Basilica, the enormous castle the pope rules from today.
[The selling of that which God has gifted humans for free is called simonry, after Simon Magus in your New Testament. He was condemned by the Apostle Peter for trying to purchase the Holy Spirit.]

Another very lucrative income stream they discovered was the persecution of “heretics” (anybody who disagreed with the pope.) When a person was accused of heresy, the Catholic Church could strip that person of all their earthly assets. Hence the Inquisitions. The only true motives of the inquisition were (1) to earn money and (2) to silence critics, thereby increasing their power over the masses.

[The worst perpetrators of the Inquisitions have been turned into saints by the Catholic Church. They are still worshipped today.]

With these massive income streams, and all the authority they usurped from the Roman emperor PLUS the authority they grabbed by claiming to literally be God on earth, and even more deserving of praise than Jesus Himself [read up on papal bulls if you don’t believe me], the Catholic Church, with its gestapo-like army of Jesuits, ruled all of the western world, and held influence throughout the entire world.

Not a literal government of a recognized “country”, this rule has slipped under the radar of many people, who dared not question the power, opulence, and authority of a figure who literally claimed to be infallible. Anybody who did go against the authority of the papacy were labeled heretics, and were killed. In this way, they easily held onto power by silencing almost all of their critics, and intimidating any would be dissenters. The Catholic Church, through its various inquisitions, has murdered over 50 million humans over its approximately 1700 year reign. Compare that to the 6 million Jews that Hitler massacred. Yet while we view Hitler as an obvious villain of history, the Catholic Church has somehow managed to whitewash itself in the eyes of the world. History, as it has been taught, has been sanitized of all traces of events that would clearly condemn the Catholic Church as the evil empire, with tentacles reaching into every country on earth, that it has always been since its inception.

It still reigns today, although in a seemingly innocuous form. Did you know that the office of the Inquisition was never disbanded, only renamed? Cardinal Ratzinger held the position of chief inquisitor before ascending to the papacy himself.

None of the papal “bulls” condemning Protestantism and cursing Protestants to hell have ever been rescinded, or apologized for, or even so much as softened. They stand today. In the last century, however, the Catholic Church has warmly embraced every other world religion, aside from Protestantism. Muslims, Zoroastrians, shamans, and even witch doctors (condemned as the satanic occult in your Bible) were among the invitees to various interfaith “prayer” events with the pope. The pope even endorsed these world religions as “alternate” paths to salvation.

Protestantism remains their sworn enemy.

Did you know that Catholic popes have ordered the assassination of world leaders (even kings and queens) throughout history? They use their secret SS army of Jesuits to carry out these attempts, to varying degrees of success. For example, Jesuits made a series of unsuccessful attempts on the life of Protestant Queen Elizabeth I. Guy Fawkes was an assassin hired by the Jesuits to kill King James of England for the crime of being a Protestant. The plot failed, but the papacy had planned to take advantage of the imagined chaos after the planned explosion of Parliament to place a Roman Catholic on the throne of England. They saw England as the stronghold of Protestantism, and sought to destroy it on that basis. Every earthly institution that holds sway over the countries of the earth has been infiltrated by Jesuits, with few exceptions. They have eyes and ears everywhere. Including the US government.

Entire people groups have been exterminated for the crime of worshipping Jesus according to what they read in their Bibles, instead of trusting the word of the papacy on how to worship Jesus. [See: the Waldenses, and the Albigenses — peaceful groups of Bible-believing Christians who were massacred, men, women and children alike.] Millions of people have been killed by the papacy for the crime of reading their Bible, possessing a Bible, disagreeing with the pope, even for refusing to worship the piece of bread that Catholic priests claim “literally becomes Jesus” during consecration. Imagine being murdered for the crime of refusing to bow down to a piece of bread.

Does that sound consistent with the message of peace, love and the free gift of salvation that Jesus taught in the gospels?

Do some research on the position of the Catholic Church during the rise and reign of Hitler. They were convinced that Hitler was sent from God to turn Europe into a Catholic Empire. They wrote Hitler many letters of support. They promised to stay silent on the issue of the Holocaust in exchange for a pledge by Hitler that his empire would be a Catholic empire. Hitler literally believed he was doing God’s work – partly because the papacy was at his back. When Germany fell at the end of WWII, the Catholic Church created a secret Underground Railroad of sorts – to deliver war criminal Nazis to safety and anonymity in South America. Their Underground Railroad was called the “Rat Line”.

The Catholic Church subjugated central and South America as they were colonized. They installed cruel and self-serving dictators to rule those countries simply because those dictators promised to make Catholicism the state religion. The state of affairs in South and Central America is a humanitarian and economic disaster, and it has been directly caused by the policies enacted by the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church is the enemy of humanity.

It is the enemy of freedom, the enemy of truth, the enemy of freedom of information, the enemy of Protestantism, and, by claiming to be more worthy of praise than Jesus, the enemy of Christ.

The Catholic Church is the embodiment of the Antichrist. It is the richly dressed woman sitting astride the scarlet beast in the book of Revelation, drunk on the blood of the martyred saints. The whore of Babylon.

Long ago, a pope claimed the title Vicarus Christi, from emperor Constantine. This literally translates to “instead of Christ” or “substitute for Christ” or “antichrist”. Popes use this title to this day.

It is time for Protestants to wake up and dissolve the false truce offered by recent popes.

Your Protestant forefathers literally died as martyrs to protect your right to own a Bible, and worship God according to what it says. Your right to worship God as a Protestant was paid for with blood. Never ever take it for granted. There is no such thing as a “truce” with an empire that has declared war against your religious freedom. Just because they do not currently possess the authority to burn Protestants at the stake doesn’t mean they wouldn’t do it if they could.

The Catholic Church is the enemy of all true Christians, with its false doctrines, its doctored Bible, and its blatant idol worship.

In the words of Jesus in the book of Revelation, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her punishment.”

God bless you. Keep it humble!

To learn more, check out this video (unaffiliated with this site):