Key Symbols in Prophetic Texts (And What They Mean!)

The following list was compiled by searching google for Bible verses featuring the keywords. Some have the Bible reference, and others have many references that can be found in the Bible.

I will add to this list as I come across more symbols. I hope this list helps you to read prophetic scriptures!

Key to Biblical Symbols

Grass = mortals; people of the world; things of this world which are fleeting; the flesh; here today and withered tomorrow (Isaiah 40)

Beast = kingdom or power

Horn = king or kingdom or ruler – power hides here.

Sea = civilization, a sea of people, the masses, nation, tongue

Tree = a person who spreads the word of god to others and those others spread it to still others in an outward fashion, person or lineage (Jeremiah 11:16, Romans 11:24)

Land = God’s creation, or the promised land

Mountain / hill = nation, large/small

Birds = the word of god going out to the people of the earth

Snake = cunning, wily, clever, can represent Satan

Incense = prayer

Hail = like rain, but colder and more deadly, anger/destruction from above (Ezekiel 13:13); Joshua 10:11 the Lord hurled hailstones and killed the enemies; in Exodus God sends a plague of hailstones on the Egyptians

Rain = Troubles, trials, difficulties

River = information/power from God, rivers of living water flowing from the throne of God; the Holy Spirit

Waters = peoples, multitudes, languages, nations (Rev 17:15)

Lampstand = church

Stars in the sky = angels (if flung to the earth, demons)

Sun and moon = Jesus is represented by the sun, as he is the ruler of the day; and the moon is under the feet of the Bride of Christ (Rev 12:1) so the moon is Satan, the ruler of the night 

Saints = people of God who are blameless

Dragon = Satan; also a beast, pagan Rome 

Sword = the word of God; can also mean civil power

Image = likeness or replica

Worship = bow down, crouch, submit, revere, prostrate oneself 

Combined beast = superpower or universal religion

Wormwood = bitterness, poison, absinthe, parasite killer

Worms = decay and death, the grave

Abomination of desolation = desecration of the temple /altar; people not of the faith worshiping other gods in God’s temple

Ships = our human bodies; ark that saves Noah is a ship (representing Jesus); Ark of the Covenant held God’s law; Isaiah 60:9 ships of Tarshish bring God’s children home along with gold and silver

Clouds = chariot

Wind = God’s wrath or punishment; the four winds of the earth references four ancient Mesopotamian “gods” (demons) who bring disaster and strife

Fruit = direct results; fruit of the spirit versus fruit of the flesh (Galatians 5); Isaiah 32:17 fruit is peace; Isaiah 3:10 they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds

Figs = healing, Isaiah 38:21 a poultice of figs to heal king Hezekiah’s affliction

Fig leaves = self righteousness, Adam and Eve tried to cover their shame with them, and failed

Bread = God’s word that sustains our hearts, Jesus; Jesus is the bread of life (John 6:35)

Night = when the beasts prowl in the darkness, seeking their food from God, when the moon (Satan) is out

Day = a time for good works

Fire = God; God’s wrath/judgment; fire refines a person, purifies them; but also our tongue is fire in that it can do evil (James 3)

Tongue = the rudder of our ship, leading the body into sin 

Stones = Jesus is the rock and we are living stones, his followers (1 Peter 2)

Oil = love, anointing, fuel for a lamp, God’s power, the Holy Spirit; Song of Sol. 8:6, Matt 25:1-13 brides with lamps and spare oil; Rev 3:14; 1 John 2:27 anointing the sick

Blood = the life is in the blood, wine is Jesus’s blood, blood pays for sins, blood for atonement, bloody things are still sinful, wash the blood off to become clean/holy/forgiven

Surface of the water = boundary between light and dark; horizon

Innocent animal = unsoiled by sin, its blood can be used to atone for human sins; skins used from one to cover Adam and Eve nakedness/sin (made by God, so it was powerful!)

Clothing/garment = forgiveness. Adam and Eve were given garments of skin to cover their sin (Genesis 9:22); in Revelation, there are lots of people in pure white clothes, who have been washed clean of sins

Covenant = promise, first with Noah (rainbow, won’t destroy world with flood again, blood atones for blood), then with Abraham (circumcision) then with Moses (10 commandments, the law), then Jesus (the new covenant)

Sin = means devoting yourself to the enemy instead of God, means choosing the prince of darkness as your lord

Arrows = famine (Ezekiel 5:16); curses or God’s wrath; Isaiah 49:2 he made me an arrow

Bow = military strength, Hosea 1:5 I will break Israel’s bow; lamentations 2:4 God stringing his bow like an enemy – to punish.

Dove = Holy Spirit

Morning star = Rev 22 Jesus calls himself the bright Morning Star. However, in Isaiah 14:12 “morning star” refers to Satan. 2 Peter 1:19 the morning star rises in your hearts (implies Jesus); Rev 2:28 I promise to give you the morning star

Crown = promised reward for withstanding temptation; crown of righteousness, crown of life; 2 Timothy has one; Revelation references crowns on the elders.

Redeem = guardian redeemer referenced in Leviticus 25, can restore ownership of lands or people sold. Jesus is our Redeemer! Ruth’s Boaz demonstrates the role of a redeemer. Boaz is an ancestor of Jesus. Pillars of the temple were named Jachin and Boaz (Boaz means strength)

Atone = pay ransom, make purchase, save from loss

Prince = powerful angel (Daniel 10:20) or demon, of a nation/kingdom.

Measuring line = judgment. In Revelation 11:1, also appears in Zechariah 2:1, man given a measuring line and told to measure Jerusalem; Lamentations 2:8 God has a measuring line; Isaiah 28:17 measuring line; Ezekiel 40:4 man with a measuring rod; Isaiah 34:11 measuring line of chaos; you will be measured by the measure you use to measure others (judge not etc.); Isaiah 65:7 I will measure into their laps full payment for their deeds

Scroll = Zechariah 5 – curse going out over the whole land to destroy the thieves and liars; Isaiah 29:11 scroll; Ezekiel 2:9, 3:1 eating the scroll which has lamentations and woes and dirges written on it, and tastes sweet.

Basket = Zech 5:6 iniquity of the people, it is filled with wickedness., has a lead cover.

Scorpions = demons Luke 10:19

Branch/rod = Jesus, Isaiah 11

Sackcloth = repentance, also, ashes on the head

Elements = earthly forces, earthly powers, Gal 4:3; 2 Peter 3:10 elements will be destroyed when the day of the Lord comes.

Briers and thorns = unbelievers, Satan’s followers