On Worshiping Nature

nature worship false god idol creator wicca new age unitarian

The following is an excerpt from a book called The Wisdom of Solomon. This is non-canonical literature, and it cannot be verified that it came from Solomon, but it is wisdom nonetheless.

What can we learn from this chapter?

Wisdom of Solomon 13 – on nature worship

[1] For all men who were ignorant of God were foolish by nature; and they were unable, from the good things that are seen, to know him who exists, nor did they recognize the craftsman while paying heed to his works;

[2] but they supposed that either fire or wind or swift air, or the circle of the stars, or turbulent water,

or the luminaries of heaven were the gods that rule the world.

[3] If through delight in the beauty of these things men assumed them to be gods, let them know how much better than these is their Lord, for the author of beauty created them.

[4] And if men were amazed at their power and working, let them perceive from them how much more powerful is he who formed them.

[5] For from the greatness and beauty of created things comes a corresponding perception of their Creator.

[6] Yet these men are little to be blamed, for perhaps they go astray while seeking God and desiring to find him.

[7] For as they live among his works they keep searching, and they trust in what they see, because the things that are seen are beautiful.

[8] Yet again, not even they are to be excused;

[9] for if they had the power to know so much that they could investigate the world, how did they fail to find sooner the Lord of these things?

This passage is pointing out the folly of worshiping the earth itself. The beauty of the natural world is a display of God’s power. It is not to be worshiped, only God is to be worshiped! Go ahead and marvel at the beauty of nature… but then realize that He who created all that beauty is infinitely more worthy of your worship.

TLDR (too long, didn’t read): worship the Creator, *not* the creation!